The afro-centric, no-cost booking platform for safari hotels, lodges and vacation rentals to elevate their digital booking experience.

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Easy Inventory Configuration
Multiple Rate Card Setup
Multiple Tax Settings

Central Reservation System

Manage and distribute inventory, rates, and reservations in one centralized system. Eliminate the the stress of managing multiple inbound enquiry channels and see your occupancy grow.

Booking Engine

Enable direct bookings through your website, and immediately enjoy commission-free bookings. Display room specs, add-ons and availability in real time to create a seamless booking experience.
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Display Activities & Services
Resident, Non-Resident Pricing
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SEO Customization
Custom branding and visual management back-end
Cost free to setup

Website Front-end Builder

Quickly launch a modern, user-friendly, responsive hotel website and start welcoming guests directly online. The configuration panel set up is hassle-free, meaning you don't need highly technical resources to be live in minutes!

Integrated Payment Module

Zafari comes with an integrated payment gateway to allow customers to choose the most convenient payment option. With automated collection, reconciliation and dashboard displays, Zafari takes away the headache of revenue monitoring.
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Local & International Credit Cards
Mobile Money Options
Partial Payments
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Pay when you make a booking
Competitive fee rates
No barrier to come on board

Zero Fees to Onboard

We understand the frustration that comes with having to pay recurrent fees for software to run your property whether business is high or low. Zafari only takes a percentage off the amount charged for direct bookings when they happen. And at rates far below what other distributions platforms offer.
Request Demo

To schedule a product demo with one of our business consultants, please fill in your contact details

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